
「嘉義市城市形象行銷影片」Chiayi City - city image marketing video

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「典雅的木都、百年的日式韻味、慢調的愜意氛圍」是大眾對嘉義市的共同印象。近年來,有股源自地方和政府的力量,正沁入嘉義的城市紋理,轉動起嘉義市的改變,鍛造出嘉義市的性格——「潮」。 The public’s collective impression of Chiayi City is “an elegant wood city with a century of Japanese charm and a relaxed, contented atmosphere”. In recent years, power stemming from the location itself and the government has been injected into Chiayi’s urban veins, setting changes in motion and forging Chiayi City’s “chill” nature. 所謂的「潮」,是勇於做自己、保有真誠的生活態度,這是嘉義市獨有的「潮」流。這樣的精神,為城市注入了更多靈魂,也讓嘉義市蛻變出不同以往的全新風貌。 “Chill” means daring to be oneself and maintaining a sincere attitude toward life—this is the essence of Chiayi City’s unique “chill” trend. This spirit has infused the city with even more soul and transformed Chiayi City’s traditional style into something completely new.